Member-only story
So You Like Older Women?
This is what you need to know
We like you, too. And we like that you like us. Here are some pointers on how to take that liking a little further.
First, unless you are 20 years younger than we are (it happens. The president of France is a perfect example), don’t say to us, “It’s cool, I like older women.” For so many reasons.
Not the least of which is some men fetishize older women. Lately, it seems a lot of them do. Being fetishized isn’t always a deal breaker, but often it is. As in, when we are wanting a relationship, romance, an intelligent conversation, or to be known as anything more than a fetish.
Does that sound harsh? I don’t really mean to be. We women of a certain age have spent a lot of our lives as one type of fetish or another. The innocent, wide-eyed young thing, the ingenue, the MILF. And now, Mrs. Robinson. (That’s a reference to the movie the Graduate, where the bride’s mother has sex with the groom. See how old I am?) We. Are. Done. (And possibly, some of us anyway, or maybe just me, are the least bit cranky.)