Member-only story
One More Story About Anal Sex
That is a title I never imagined writing
Shannon Ashley recently wrote an excellent article about hard limits in the bedroom (and any other room). Her hard limit, and mine, is anal sex.
I can hear all the groans out there from those who write about this activity as if you are the first ones to discover it. Joe Duncan has written in-depth about the history of the practice, and it’s been around since way before any of you accidentally touched your anus, or someone else’s and went, “Whoa. What have we here? This feels interesting.” Which is probably how any and all sexual sensations were discovered historically. People just naturally play with what they are given. And a lot of that feels good.
I’m not denying that anal sex can feel good. I just have some observations and my own reservations to share, along with the observation of a biology professor.
My friend, who is gay, vividly remembers when his biology professor said, “The anus is designed for things to come out from, not for things to go into.” That cannot be argued. It’s a simple biological observation. Even when you talk about the voluntary and involuntary muscles there, and how you can relax progressively to accommodate any number of household items, or a penis, the point is that allowing something to enter anally requires going against the design. Since it can…